Hello All!
I am trying to implement ArcGIS Server on multiple Linux Servers, specifically Ubuntu 16.04. As stated in the Documentation I configured two Shared Folders (config-store, arcgisserver). Both my machines have the same path to the shared Folders, assisted by samba, namely /run/user/1001/gvfs/smb-share:server=,share=public/arcgisserver. I also tested, that on both servers the User installing and executing ArcGIS is able to read and write in this folders.
Now, after installing ArcGIS Server on the first one and trying to create the site I run into the following problem:
I don't know, what the error could be after extensively checking all the steps described in the documentation.
I hope someone can help me with this.
Kind Regards,
Kai Dannies
I suggest mounting the share to the local system and using the mounted directory instead.