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How to publish a map service with a table join and symbology based on join

10-06-2017 06:06 AM
Emerging Contributor

I am attempting to publish a map service of a polygon layer joined with a table where symbology is based on unique values from the table join. Publishing through ArcGIS server. I have been able to include the table join when feature access is not enabled, but the symbology based on the field from the join does not appear in the map service. The data from the table is visible in the attribute table but pop ups are not functioning. Any suggestions?

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3 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Try these steps.

1. Add the Layers and tables to TOC of ArcMap.

2. Execute Join using the tables in the TOC.

3. Publish the map service.

Does the issue still persist?

Think Location
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Emerging Contributor

Yes, that is what I am doing but still getting the issue. Join and symbology are fine in ArcMap but when I publish the map service and add it to a web map the features are not symbolized based on the join. However, the symbology shows up in the legend in the web map, the features are just not being drawn this way. 

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Frequent Contributor

Not sure if you are using 10.4 but I just came across this while looking for an answer to a similar problem: