I want to join a layer in ArcServer to a layer in another DB (that part's easy). Then do an UPDATE [attribute x] where table1.ID=table2.ID kind of thing. Merge won't allow a table. Thanks in advance!
Are you using sde? If so what about using a database tool (we use TOAD) and just modify the table outside of Arc. It is safe as long as your tables are not versioned or if they have no add/delete tables. Or you could use arcpy with ArcSDESQLExecute and do the same thing.
I am trying to do it from SQL Management Studio now which is the same, functionally, as TOAD. My tables are registered as versioned tho so they are editable. Why is that a problem?
Hi Joanna,
You can edit your versioned data via SQL in SSMS. Please read all the following documentation that we have on it and you should be able to edit the data. I am not sure about the joined table.
An overview of editing versioned data using SQL—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop
What type of data can be edited using SQL?—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop
SQL and enterprise geodatabases—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop
Hope this helps!
https://community.esri.com/groups/geodatabase?sr=search&searchId=3ebee0eb-3ced-4a93-a964-841333f4160... https://community.esri.com/community/gis/enterprise-gis?sr=search&searchId=001d18c8-f20c-41bb-9bc3-9...
Is it a one to one relationship? If so you could use a temporary join to do what you want. SInce I don't know how the table you want want to attribute is defined, you may need to add a field (or more) to hold the data you need.
I can do a join, but that won't allow me to do a bulk UPDATE operation.
I'm not sure that SSM is the tool to use with a versioned database; you may run into some problems with that.