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Help designing load test

02-23-2016 10:55 AM
Honored Contributor

Our organization is experiencing issues with a service during periods of high demand. The service supports a flood warning system so those periods of high demand are sporadic so I'm looking towards using a load test with Apache JMeter to help us evaluate what we can do to better support our needs. I'm using this blog post and tutorial to help guide me and I've installed JMeter and have a test case set up. Since I'm new to this, I'm not sure if my parameters really mirror the real world so I'm posting to get some more experienced eyes on this.

Anyways, instead of a a map image export like in the tutorial, I'm just performing a simple "1=1" query on our particular map service. Our web map builds our stream gage layer on the fly at page load using this query based on a table in this particular service.

Below are a couple of screenshots from Google Analytics real-time view during our most recent events:


Based on this, I created a test with a thread of 40 users, a ramp up period of 20 seconds, and a loop count of 3. Does this sound reasonable, given the real-world examples shown above? Am I on the right track of way off?



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16 Replies
Honored Contributor

That's excellent feedback, Michael, thank you. It's pretty disconcerting that, as customers, you spend an arm & a leg for enterprise level products and ESRI still manages to find a way to force you to spend more money on something like AGOL.

I like dealing with web mapping less and less each day. When's Librarian coming back into vogue?..

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Honored Contributor

Michael Volz​ Your option to post to AGOL might be something our organization needs to pursue. Would you be willing to share that script (stripped of specific server/account references, of course)? We could take the discussion off the board, if you're so inclined.


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Esteemed Contributor

I would be inclined to take the discussion off the board because it is not my script that works with AGOL.  I tried to script the update process for my organization's ArcGIS Server, but I was never able to overcome the degradation of the mapservice.  The person in my organization who created the Access application was the person who created the script to update the data in AGOL, so I would need to talk to that person.

In the meantime I would search ESRI documentation and the geonet to find code (I would recommend python) to upload the stream gauge data to AGOL every 15 minutes.  I think this is a pretty common workflow for endusers who have AGOL but do not have ArcGIS Server.

Honored Contributor


I don't do much Python but I did develop our script that transfers the MS Access records over into an SDE table. I think I'm solid with connecting with Access and the records in it but extremely shaky with AGOL. We, as an organization, haven't embraced AGOL at all so any scripting to interact with AGOL is completely foreign to me. It just sounds like the project you describe is real similar to the process we use for our Gage application.

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MVP Frequent Contributor

Updating Hosted Feature Services in ArcGIS Online | ArcGIS Blog walks you through how to update an AGOL service. In my situation, my SDE is behind what is arguably the most restrictive firewall in the history of the internet, so I use this to refresh my AGOl services nightly, for a dozen-ish feature services I have on there. Note this is one-way, changes on the SDE go to AGOL, I don't have editing enables on the AGOL side (but there are scripts that will do it both ways). You could easily fire this every 15 minutes with Windows Task Scheduler.

Another architecture you may want to consider is CartoDB. Cartodb can auto sync with many proprietary formats and render those data with a very lightweight map viewer such as leaflet. I have on particular project where due to the size of the data (terabytes), frequency of update, and cost, CartoDB and a java map viewer was the only way to go.

# Import system modules
import urllib, urllib2, json
import sys, os
import requests
import arcpy
import ConfigParser
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET

class AGOLHandler(object):   
    def __init__(self, username, password, serviceName, folderName):
        self.username = username
        self.password = password
        self.serviceName = serviceName
        self.token, self.http = self.getToken(username, password)
        self.itemID = self.findItem("Feature Service")
        self.SDitemID = self.findItem("Service Definition")
        self.folderName = folderName
        self.folderID = self.findFolder()
    def getToken(self, username, password, exp=60):
        referer = ""
        query_dict = {'username': username,
                      'password': password,
                      'expiration': str(exp),
                      'client': 'referer',
                      'referer': referer,
                      'f': 'json'} 
        query_string = urllib.urlencode(query_dict)
        url = ""
        token = json.loads(urllib.urlopen(url + "?f=json", query_string).read())
        if "token" not in token:
            print token['error']
            httpPrefix = ""
            if token['ssl'] == True:
                httpPrefix = ""
            return token['token'], httpPrefix
    def findItem(self, findType):
        # Find the itemID of whats being updated
        searchURL = self.http + "/search"
        query_dict = {'f': 'json',
                      'token': self.token,
                      'q': "title:\""+ self.serviceName + "\"AND owner:\"" + self.username + "\" AND type:\"" + findType + "\""}   
        jsonResponse = sendAGOLReq(searchURL, query_dict)
        if jsonResponse['total'] == 0:
            print "\nCould not find a service to update. Check the service name in the settings.ini"
            print("found {} : {}").format(findType, jsonResponse['results'][0]["id"])   
        return jsonResponse['results'][0]["id"]

    def findFolder(self):
        # Find the ID of the folder containing the service

        if self.folderName == "None":
            return ""
        findURL = self.http + "/content/users/{}".format(self.username)

        query_dict = {'f': 'json',
                      'num': 1,
                      'token': self.token}

        jsonResponse = sendAGOLReq(findURL, query_dict)

        for folder in jsonResponse['folders']:
            if folder['title'] == self.folderName:
                return folder['id']
        print "\nCould not find the specified folder name provided in the settings.ini"
        print "-- If your content is in the root folder, change the folder name to 'None'"

def urlopen(url, data=None):
    # monkey-patch URLOPEN
    referer = ""
    req = urllib2.Request(url)
    req.add_header('Referer', referer)

    if data:
        response = urllib2.urlopen(req, data)
        response = urllib2.urlopen(req)

    return response

def makeSD(MXD, serviceName, tempDir, outputSD, maxRecords):
    # create a draft SD and modify the properties to overwrite an existing FS
    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
    # All paths are built by joining names to the tempPath
    SDdraft = os.path.join(tempDir, "tempdraft.sddraft")
    newSDdraft = os.path.join(tempDir, "updatedDraft.sddraft")   
    arcpy.mapping.CreateMapSDDraft(MXD, SDdraft, serviceName, "MY_HOSTED_SERVICES")
    # Read the contents of the original SDDraft into an xml parser
    doc = ET.parse(SDdraft) 
    root_elem = doc.getroot()
    if root_elem.tag != "SVCManifest":
        raise ValueError("Root tag is incorrect. Is {} a .sddraft file?".format(SDDraft))
    # The following 6 code pieces modify the SDDraft from a new MapService
    # with caching capabilities to a FeatureService with Query,Create,
    # Update,Delete,Uploads,Editing capabilities as well as the ability to set the max
    # records on the service.
    # The first two lines (commented out) are no longer necessary as the FS
    # is now being deleted and re-published, not truly overwritten as is the
    # case when publishing from Desktop.
    # The last three pieces change Map to Feature Service, disable caching
    # and set appropriate capabilities. You can customize the capabilities by
    # removing items.
    # Note you cannot disable Query from a Feature Service.
    #doc.find("./Type").text = "esriServiceDefinitionType_Replacement"
    #doc.find("./State").text = "esriSDState_Published"
    # Change service type from map service to feature service
    for config in doc.findall("./Configurations/SVCConfiguration/TypeName"):
        if config.text == "MapServer":
            config.text = "FeatureServer"

    #Turn off caching
    for prop in doc.findall("./Configurations/SVCConfiguration/Definition/" +
                                "ConfigurationProperties/PropertyArray/" +
        if prop.find("Key").text == 'isCached':
            prop.find("Value").text = "false"
        if prop.find("Key").text == 'maxRecordCount':
            prop.find("Value").text = maxRecords
    # Turn on feature access capabilities
    for prop in doc.findall("./Configurations/SVCConfiguration/Definition/Info/PropertyArray/PropertySetProperty"):
        if prop.find("Key").text == 'WebCapabilities':
            prop.find("Value").text = "Query,Extract"

    # Add the namespaces which get stripped, back into the .SD   
    root_elem.attrib["xmlns:typens"] = ''
    root_elem.attrib["xmlns:xs"] =''

    # Write the new draft to disk
    with open(newSDdraft, 'w') as f:
        doc.write(f, 'utf-8')
    # Analyze the service
    analysis = arcpy.mapping.AnalyzeForSD(newSDdraft)
    if analysis['errors'] == {}:
        # Stage the service
        arcpy.StageService_server(newSDdraft, outputSD)
        print "Created {}".format(outputSD)
        # If the sddraft analysis contained errors, display them and quit.
        print analysis['errors']

def upload(fileName, tags, description):
    # Overwrite the SD on AGOL with the new SD.
    # This method uses 3rd party module: requests
    updateURL = agol.http+'/content/users/{}/{}/items/{}/update'.format(agol.username, agol.folderID, agol.SDitemID)
    filesUp = {"file": open(fileName, 'rb')}
    url = updateURL + "?f=json&token="+agol.token+ \
        "&filename="+fileName+ \
        "&type=Service Definition"\
        "&title="+agol.serviceName+ \
    response =, files=filesUp);   
    itemPartJSON = json.loads(response.text)
    if "success" in itemPartJSON:
        itemPartID = itemPartJSON['id']
        print("updated SD:  {}").format(itemPartID)
        return True
        print "\ file not uploaded. Check the errors and try again.\n" 
        print itemPartJSON
def publish():
    # Publish the existing SD on AGOL (it will be turned into a Feature Service)
    publishURL = agol.http+'/content/users/{}/publish'.format(agol.username)
    query_dict = {'itemID': agol.SDitemID,
              'filetype': 'serviceDefinition',
              'overwrite': 'true',
              'f': 'json',
              'token': agol.token}   
    jsonResponse = sendAGOLReq(publishURL, query_dict)
    print("successfully updated...{}...").format(jsonResponse['services'])
    return jsonResponse['services'][0]['serviceItemId']

def enableSharing(newItemID, everyone, orgs, groups):
    # Share an item with everyone, the organization and/or groups

    shareURL = agol.http+'/content/users/{}/{}/items/{}/share'.format(agol.username, agol.folderID, newItemID)

    if groups == None:
        groups = ''
    query_dict = {'f': 'json',
                  'everyone' : everyone,
                  'org' : orgs,
                  'groups' : groups,
                  'token': agol.token}   
    jsonResponse = sendAGOLReq(shareURL, query_dict)
    print("successfully shared...{}...").format(jsonResponse['itemId'])   
def sendAGOLReq(URL, query_dict):
    # Helper function which takes a URL and a dictionary and sends the request
    query_string = urllib.urlencode(query_dict)   
    jsonResponse = urllib.urlopen(URL, urllib.urlencode(query_dict))
    jsonOuput = json.loads(
    wordTest = ["success", "results", "services", "notSharedWith", "folders"]
    if any(word in jsonOuput for word in wordTest):
        return jsonOuput   
        print "\nfailed:"
        print jsonOuput
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # start
    print "Starting Feature Service publish process"
    # Find and gather settings from the ini file
    localPath = sys.path[0]
    settingsFile = os.path.join(localPath, "settings.ini")

    if os.path.isfile(settingsFile):
        config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
        print "INI file not found. \nMake sure a valid 'settings.ini' file exists in the same directory as this script."
    # AGOL Credentials
    inputUsername = config.get( 'AGOL', 'USER')
    inputPswd = config.get('AGOL', 'PASS')

    # FS values
    MXD = config.get('FS_INFO', 'MXD')
    serviceName = config.get('FS_INFO', 'SERVICENAME') 
    folderName = config.get('FS_INFO', 'FOLDERNAME')
    tags = config.get('FS_INFO', 'TAGS')
    description = config.get('FS_INFO', 'DESCRIPTION')
    maxRecords = config.get('FS_INFO', 'MAXRECORDS')
    # Share FS to: everyone, org, groups
    shared = config.get('FS_SHARE', 'SHARE')
    everyone = config.get('FS_SHARE', 'EVERYONE')
    orgs = config.get('FS_SHARE', 'ORG')
    groups = config.get('FS_SHARE', 'GROUPS')  #Groups are by ID. Multiple groups comma separated
    # create a temp directory under the script   
    tempDir = os.path.join(localPath, "tempDir")
    if not os.path.isdir(tempDir):
    finalSD = os.path.join(tempDir, serviceName + ".sd") 

    #initialize AGOLHandler class
    agol = AGOLHandler(inputUsername, inputPswd, serviceName, folderName)
    # Turn map document into .SD file for uploading
    makeSD(MXD, serviceName, tempDir, finalSD, maxRecords)
    # overwrite the existing .SD on
    if upload(finalSD, tags, description):
        # publish the sd which was just uploaded
        newItemID = publish()
        # share the item
        if shared:
            enableSharing(newItemID, everyone, orgs, groups)
        print "\nfinished."

and here's the ini file:

TAGS = IANDM, Water, Water Quality, HEM, Aquatic Resources, Surface Water Dynamics, Fishes, Vital Signs, Biodiversity Database, Freshwater Communities, Hydrology Event Management, Inventory And Monitoring, Fish, Hydrology, NHD, ATBI, 3-Pass, Electroshocking, Microfish
DESCRIPTION  = These data show the location (only) of Fish 3-Pass Electroshocking study and monitoring sites within the park. Electoshocking utilizes an electrical generator which emits a non-lethal electrical current through the water. This electrical shock is employed to either stun the fish or encourages them to swim towards the electrical field for survey collection.

SHARE = True
ORG = true
GROUPS = blah blah blah

USER = sasquatch
Esteemed Contributor


In another thread you said "Sorry, no, I haven't. Part of me isn't happy that I'm doing someone else's job for them and the other part of me got busy with other things. Plus it's not currently flooding."

Such is the life of a GIS worker in an enterprise environment.

Honored Contributor

Our organization has had a "wild west" type environment for many years. It's great if you have initiative and want to try things but it's not so great in times like this. I've learned a lot but I don't like the possibility of getting my reputation sullied by things that are not in my control.

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