When creating my address locator, I modify the MaxSuggestCandidates from default 6 to 100, then I publish it as a Geocode Service on ArcGIS Server Enterprise.
When I use the REST suggest service, I set the maxSuggestions parameter to 100. However, the service only returns 50 suggestions max.
Here is my locator loc file
LocFileUseUTF8 = True
Category = Address
Description = Single Field
UseRelativePaths = true
; Properties Required by ArcGIS
CLSID = {DA70B7E3-10B2-42E3-BFF7-6C81355862BC}
UICLSID = {AE5A3A0E-F756-11D2-9F4F-00C04F8ED1C4}
Interpolate.SideValue.Left = L
Interpolate.SideValue.Right = R
; Esri Geocoder Misc Optional Properties
IntersectionConnectors =
MinimumMatchScore = 80
MinimumCandidateScore = 80
EndOffset = 0
SideOffset = 0
SideOffsetUnits = ReferenceDataUnits
SpellingSensitivity = 80
MatchIfScoresTie = true
WriteXYCoordFields = true
WriteStandardizedAddressField = false
WriteReferenceIDField = false
WritePercentAlongField = false
RD.WksGDBVersion = sde.DEFAULT
BatchPresortCacheSize = 50000
BatchPresortInputs =
CityLocationEnabled = false
DefaultLanguage = en
EndOffsetUnits = Percent
GazetteerLocationEnabled = false
GeneralLocationEnabled = true
GeometryFromDisplayFields = false
LocatorWorkspaceString = ProgID = esriDataSourcesFile.ShapefileWorkspaceFactory; Path = \\sgowebwp01\GOciteWEB\SitePublique\sgopubwp02\Panne\
MaxCandidates = 600
MaxPerfectCandidates = 600
MaxSuggestCandidates = 100
NumThreads = 1
ParityBothValue = B
ParityEvenValue = E
ParityOddValue = O
RebuildStartTime = 132188134725460000
RebuildStartTimeAscii = 12:37:52
RuntimeMemoryLimit = 536870912
SafeLocatorName = Localisateur_ClientHS
SearchTimeout = 1
ShowElapsedTime = false
StorageSegmentSizeKB = 128
StoreStandardizedRefData = false
SupportsIndex64 = true
TransliteratedLanguageCode = xx
UseMultithreading = True
UseRelationshipCache = true
UseSuggestions = True
WriteAdditionalOutputFields = false
WriteDispXDispYFields = false
WriteDisplayExtentFields = true
WriteGlobalizedFields = false
WriteLocalizedFields = true
WriteLocatorSpecificFields = false
WriteLocatorSpecificOutputFields = true
reportScorePerComponent = false
supportsEmptyHouseNumber = false
supportsOptionalZone = false
The maximum amount of suggestions that can be returned is capped at 50. What is the use-case for wanting to return more than 50?
Suggestions are supposed to be an interactive way to show results as a user types so even 50 is more than what a user would ideally want to see while they are typing. This is why we have 5 by default but in some cases 7 to 10 could be useful depending on the application.