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Feature service webhooks - referenced data store

01-02-2024 04:56 AM
Occasional Contributor

We would like to use webhoooks to send selected feature updates to other systems.
We rely on maintaining data in featureclasses in an enterprise geodatabase.
In our data maintenance workflow we use versioned featureclasses.

But when we try to add a webhook on a feature layer with versioning it says "Feature Service requires non-versioned archiving data"

I've tested both classic and branch versioning - same result.
We run ArcGIS enterprise 11.1 (I haven't found any updates on this subject in 11.2)

Have i missed something in the documentation - or should i post this in ideas section instead?

3 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Answer from support references documentation:
'To configure webhooks for non-hosted feature services, the data the service references from the enterprise geodatabase must be nonversioned and have archiving enabled. At this time, webhooks do not support services with branch versioned data.'
( from Create (webhooks) )

I missed that in my reading....

Occasional Contributor

added idea

0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor

I also completely missed this. It seems only to be mentioned on that specific page.

I'm also supporting your idea!

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