Here I need urgent help.
I did disc clean up today and unfortunately deleted all the files from C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles.
Now I cannot able to see the published map services in our service link
How can I solve this . When I open arcggis server manager, I can see all the services with the status stopped.Wen I try to start the service getting error Premature end of file.'
How can I solve this ...Plsss help
Two , no make that three suggestions:
1. Take a deep breath and say "I'm gonna get through this..." (repeat as needed)
2. Any chance you have a back up you can restore?
3. You might need to get tech support involved
OMG...Is it possible to publish the service again..
No backup I kept
I cleared two folders which s
Is this deletion cause the problems???If S, can u tell me what type of extenstion files resides in these folder?
This from a 10.0 install:
c:\inetpub\logs\logfiles has an additional folder calle W3SVC1 with a bunch of .log files in it
c:\inetpub\logs\wmsvc is empty.
I wonder if you clobbered something else; I can't imagine that deleting some log files is enough to wipe out your services.
Why don't you simply try to publish the service(s) and see what happens.
Yes I tried to publish another services..But asking to eable publish services.
In utility /System I tried to start publish service but the error is same as mentioned before
Can u tell me this particular folder is empty or not??In my case this folder s empty.I think disk clean up tool deleted all these
I don't have that path in my 10.0 installation. You should really call tech support; they should be able to help you out.