I have a feature layer that is shared in an EGDB, when I go to the portal to download it as a File GeoDatabase, I see that I don't the little box to export the data event thghou I check all the right boxes so I can export it.
In the other hand, when I share the layer in the DataStore, I have multiple options of exportation.
Do you have any solution for this, thanks 🙂
Double check this help doc: https://enterprise.arcgis.com/en/server/latest/publish-services/windows/editor-permissions-for-featu...
You should be able to export from Pro using Export Data option.
Thanks for the answer, I think the doc shows how to do it if the layer is hosted in a datastore, except in my case the Feature Layer is in an EGDB and I don't have the same options in the portal, even if I I took care to check the boxes that allow exporting in ArcGIS pro before the publication of the service....
You may have to enable export data at the ArcGIS Server service level in Manager under Feature Service; https://enterprise.arcgis.com/en/server/latest/publish-services/windows/edit-map-service-settings.ht...
In order to get the download as FGDB option, I think you will need to "enable feature access" on the service. This will create a /featureserver end point as well as the /mapserver endpoint that you already have. You will have to use the /featureserver endpoint to get the FGDB download option.
We learned this from our Open Data Portal. The same thing is true for being able to export data from the service via ArcGIS Pro.
When you use a hosted feature layer, it is always already a feature service.
(Note: you can enable feature access but disable editing)
Thanks for the replies @MichaelJenkins @George_Thompson, I've tried the two solutions but i still don't have the possibility to download the data directly from the preview page. FYI, I can export the data when i do it through ArcGIS Pro. Just contacted support to see if it's really possible to do that when the data is stored in a EGDB.
Hi @Gisfunk
Did you ever find a solution to this? or get a response from ESRI? I have the same issue