Error registering Oracle 19C database with Server 10.9 using InstantClient

09-20-2022 05:54 AM
Frequent Contributor

I followed instructions at so I can register my Oracle 19C database (non-spatial) with ArcGIS Server and publish tables. However when I try to register the database from my .sde file using Manager, I get the following error: "Cannot connect to database because the database client software failed to load. Be sure the database client software is installed and configured correctly."  My sde connection file works fine in Pro on my machine, but curious what I could be doing wrong on the Server side.  

What I did was:

1. Download Oracle Instant Client Downloads (v19. for Linux x86-64 (64-bit) from

2. Unzipped to /opt/arcgis/OracleDatabaseInstantClient19c/instantclient_19_15 on my Server Machine. 

3. Edited /opt/arcgis/server/usr/ to include line: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/arcgis/OracleDatabaseInstantClient19c/instantclient_19_15:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

4. Restarted ArcGIS Server service on machine.

I did not uncomment any other lines in, make any changes to PATH variables, or .bashrc,

I checked permissions on the contents of the folder and arcgis user is the owner on all of them.  

Is there something I'm doing incorrectly here?

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2 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Hallo @Jay_Gregory ,

Did you solve the issue. We are facing the same problem when we upgraded to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 from 10.8.1.

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Frequent Contributor


Worked with Esri to resolve issue. Their documentation was missing Oracle step when configuring connection with the InstantClient (at the time I worked with them - maybe updated now).

The Linux distro must have libaio installed for the connection to work and the LD_LIBRARY_PATH must be added as an OS env variable in addition to in the

Instructions at and

I never tested with 10.8.1 so unsure if this will solve your issue or not - maybe that requirement was new at 10.9.1.  Good luck!

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