I am getting this error from ArcGIS Server logs after publishing and SDE Database. I can edit and view the data in Desktop but after I publish and try to view the service in AGOL I get errors. I recently upgraded to Desktop 10.5. This seems to happen with all newly created SDE databases. Older SDE databases publish fine when creating new feature classes. When I open in AGOL I can see the feature database table but I do not see the geoometry features. No errors on publishing only when accessing the service.
Here are a few of the errors in ArcGIS Server Logs:
There is an error during the draw Manholes (1.) DBMS table not found [42S02:[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11,(2.) 0][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'DASNY,(3.) DBO,(4.) SDE_GEOMETRY2',(5.) ] [DASNY,(6.) DBO,(7.) Manholes].
There is an error drawing layer: Manholes
Did you ever resolve this? I am having the same issue. Just upgraded to 10.5, new service wont draw. I can query and return results, view the table in AGOL, etc. but it will not draw and gives the error There is an error drawing layer: <layer_name>
Have you checked to make sure you SDE Enterprise database is still supported?
ArcGIS Server 10.5 system requirements—Installation Guides (10.5) | ArcGIS Enterprise
I know we use SQL2008 still, and it specifically mentions that that is no longer supported for creating new SDE databases (and I'm hesitant to edit on previously created databases....but I have not tested editing of using with ArcGIS Server yet.)