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ERROR 001270 : Consolidating the data field when trying to publish

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04-01-2014 04:24 AM
by Anonymous User
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Original User: greenkarmic

We have converted some DWG to File GDB so we can publish them in ArcGIS Server (DWG can be loaded in ArcMap, but not published directly in ArcGIS Server).

However now the publish fails with ERROR 001270 : Consolidating the data field


The causes listed in the documentation at don't seem to apply to this case

None of the layers use fields


After some investigation, I found that if I remove both the Polyline and Polygon layers then the error doesn't happen and we can publish. Beyond that, I'm stumped. Any ideas?

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1 Solution

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MVP Regular Contributor
I don't think it's the use or non-use of fields that matters here, although I see you are getting a Medium-level warning because the SHAPE field isn't detectable due to it being turned off in the layer properties.  The error preventing you from publishing the service is the High-level one at the top of the Analyze list.  You said that you converted the DWG data to File Geodatabase format; so you're saying that the underlying data sources for the polyline, polygon, and all of the annotation layers shown in your screenshot all exist within that same File Geodatabase?  Where is that File Geodatabase stored?  I think the causes in the documentation could actually apply.  Check the length of your source paths for the polyline and polygon data layers (Source tab under layer properties) since those seem to be the culprits.  If your path is too long for either of those layers, your service won't publish.  You can register data sources with the ArcGIS Server to help reduce the length of the path so that publishing can occur.  Otherwise, you may need to move your data up a few directories.

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6 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor
I don't think it's the use or non-use of fields that matters here, although I see you are getting a Medium-level warning because the SHAPE field isn't detectable due to it being turned off in the layer properties.  The error preventing you from publishing the service is the High-level one at the top of the Analyze list.  You said that you converted the DWG data to File Geodatabase format; so you're saying that the underlying data sources for the polyline, polygon, and all of the annotation layers shown in your screenshot all exist within that same File Geodatabase?  Where is that File Geodatabase stored?  I think the causes in the documentation could actually apply.  Check the length of your source paths for the polyline and polygon data layers (Source tab under layer properties) since those seem to be the culprits.  If your path is too long for either of those layers, your service won't publish.  You can register data sources with the ArcGIS Server to help reduce the length of the path so that publishing can occur.  Otherwise, you may need to move your data up a few directories.
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by Anonymous User
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Original User: greenkarmic

I don't think it's the use or non-use of fields that matters here, although I see you are getting a Medium-level warning because the SHAPE field isn't detectable due to it being turned off in the layer properties.  The error preventing you from publishing the service is the High-level one at the top of the Analyze list.  You said that you converted the DWG data to File Geodatabase format; so you're saying that the underlying data sources for the polyline, polygon, and all of the annotation layers shown in your screenshot all exist within that same File Geodatabase?  Where is that File Geodatabase stored?  I think the causes in the documentation could actually apply.  Check the length of your source paths for the polyline and polygon data layers (Source tab under layer properties) since those seem to be the culprits.  If your path is too long for either of those layers, your service won't publish.  You can register data sources with the ArcGIS Server to help reduce the length of the path so that publishing can occur.  Otherwise, you may need to move your data up a few directories.

No the data is in a really short path, as you can see here:


We also have over 27GB of space left, so it's not that either.

However you mentioned the warning about the data being copied because I didn't register the data folder. I didn't pay attention to it because we see it all the time. (We still have a lot of data in Personnal GDB format which can't be registered and it's always copied.). Anyway, I just tried registering it has you suggest, and now I can publish.. I can even see the result in ArcGIS Viewer for Flex.

I'm pretty happy about that, but still confused. What does it matter whether I register the data folder or not. I just thought that if I didn't register the folder then ArcGIS Server made it's own copy of the data. Not ideal but sometimes necessary like in the Personnal GDB example above. After all not registering the folder doesn't prevent us from publish Personal GDB data, we don't get an error like in this case here. I think there are still some details I'm missing in this data folder registering concept.. I'll have go hit the docs again. In any case, Thanks a lot William 🙂
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MVP Regular Contributor
Yes, High-level warnings from the Analyze tool can prevent publishing so that's the reason I initially suspected this as the culprit (or at least part of it).  I'm glad it's working for you now.
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: greenkarmic

Not really, take a look at this for our entire service (all layers combined)


It still published successfully with 4 different types of High level warnings and 118 layers whose data is not within a registered folder (3rd High level warning in this image).

I will definitely pay more attention to them from now on tough 🙂
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New Contributor

I have a SDE database and versions on it. I am trying to publish featureservice using arcpy but unable to publish since I am getting error 001270:Consolidating data failed while running the script.

The same mxd I am able to publish from arcmap. don't know the reason why I can't do it from arcpy.

I welcome if anybody has a solution ASAP.

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New Contributor III

@WilliamCraft @venkatprasadrao Was there a resolution found to this issue?  I am experiencing the same error code after updating from 10.7.1 to 10.9.1 Enterprise running 10.8.2 ArcMap.  Thanks

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