I have, in the last couple months, been moving my data from shapefiles to an enterprise geodatabase. One thing that I request of the ESRI development team is to make it possible to restore a database from one name(DB1) to another name(DB2) on the same server. Copying and moving data from DB1 to DB2 on the same server thru the tools in ArcGIS is very time consuming and would be extremely faster if a full Geo-database restore was possible. Please consider this for the near future please as the current method is very frustrating.
Its actually RDBMS dependent kind-off.....in Oracle,PostgreSQL you can restore a db backup to another database which doesn't have the same name. But in SQL Server you can't.
So which one are you using?
I am using SQL Server.
Was expecting that.
So as you can understand this is a limitation with SQL Server only, and the explanation for that is provided here Other methods for moving a geodatabase in SQL Server.
Still you can post your Idea at Esri Arcgis Ideas | Ideas Submission Portal