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Enable Apply Edits With Global Ids on ArcGIS Feature Services

12-16-2019 01:52 AM
Occasional Contributor

I have published a Feature Service on our ArcGIS Server 10.6.1 and in Feature Service URL I am seeing that the "Apply Edits with GlobalID: False"

How can I update it to True?

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3 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Hi Williams,

I had tested the Apply Edits with Global IDs but the issue is not resolved. I have a small doubt. The feature class relationships must be GlobalID or we can create with Object ID also. My data set is having the relationship with Object Id's.

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Emerging Contributor

I have the exact same issue.. Need to get feature services offline for Collector. Following these guides: Prepare data for offline use—Documentation | ArcGIS Enterprise 

For tradition versioned data: gobalIDs on, data registered as versioned, relationship classes using globalID field.. Sync enabled when publishing, no errors when publishing..

None of the services are available offline, "supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIDs" is always false. 

I'm using Enterprise 10.7.1 and have never before experienced any issues getting Collector maps offline! What is going on?

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