Just to get the ball rolling here, I'll explain what I know and hopefully it is correct.
When purchasing an ArcGIS Server 10.1 license you also purchase the ability to utilize 4 cores - if 4 isn't enough you must purchase additional licensing. Our company is currently going through this decision making process as we're upgrading from 9.2 to 10.1. I cannot give you any information on degradation. I believe Desktop and Catalog are single-core, but that's just from reading the forums here.
Yes, server does take advantage of all the cores available on a machine.
For example, when doing a large scale map cache of we have a machine with 24 cores that runs at 100% utilization across all 24 cores.
Yes, server does take advantage of all the cores available on a machine.
For example, when doing a large scale map cache of we have a machine with 24 cores that runs at 100% utilization across all 24 cores.
What version of ArcGIS are you running?
If you're running 10.0 without any service packs I know that there was a limitation with labelling which caused low processor usage.
In 10.1 that limitation of 1 SOC per bundle is no longer and issues; thus, generating a lot more cache in a smaller period of time.
TESRI claims that multi-cores are supported but the user community claims that an outright falsehood.