To work with a large number of images on the Portal, installed on Linux, which should be approximately the disk space, to have an environment with good performance on ubuntu?
Hey Sorato Marques,
It really depends on the size of your imagery. At an absolute minimum you will need at least 10GB of space for the install of Image Server: ArcGIS Server 10.7.x system requirements—ArcGIS Enterprise system requirements | Documentation for A...
You also need to consider if you are going to cache the imagery as well as this will increase the amount of space required.
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Disk space generally won't impact performance, (unless you're actually running out of it, in which case you'll run into significant problems). Disk storage type, (SSD), cores and RAM are more likely to impact performance.
Good performance is also somewhat subjective. If you're interested in benchmarking, consider looking into JMeter, System Test, or Road Runner. Once you have quantifiable results, you can determine what's acceptable for you and your organization.
If you were to search "scalability arcgis enterprise" in Google, you'll get some results from presentations that go into some detail about performance and scalability testing.
Ex https://proceedings.esri.com/library/userconf/fed19/papers/fed_83.pdf