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Configuring ArcGIS Server 10.1 on Windows 8

08-22-2012 01:55 PM
Occasional Contributor III
Hi everyone,

I realise that this isn't supported yet, but I'm wondering if anyone else encountered this issue and has a solution.

I've installed and licensed ArcGIS Server 10.1 on a Windows 8 Release Candidate virtual machine. I then opened up ArcGIS Server Manager and attempted to configure a new site. After I get to the Configuration Summary screen and click Next, I get the following error:

Failed to create the site. Failed to configure the server machine 'WIN8RELCAN.LOCALDOMAIN'. Server machine 'WIN8RELCAN.LOCALDOMAIN' is not a local server machine.

Any ideas?


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6 Replies
New Contributor III
We are having exactly the same issue but with a Red Hat Linux 6 Server. As of yet we do no have a solution but when we do I will post something.
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Frequent Contributor
I don't think that this is a Windows 8 issue because I am running on Windows 8 and don't have the problem.

I think that there are various problems with regards to how the machine/name is resolved in 10.1.  I've seen similar posts.
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New Contributor III
We found the problem with our RHEL 6 server it was an incorrectly configured /etc/host file. Which as the previous person mentioned it was a server name resolving issue.

Andrew Rae
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Occasional Contributor III
I was able to install on Windows 8 and Windows 2012 with no problems, so not sure
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MVP Frequent Contributor
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Occasional Contributor II
So, this error is not related to the OS.  Check the logs. From the Help link:

When you create or join a machine to a site, logs at the Verbose level are written to <ArcGIS Server installation directory>\usr\logs\<machine name>\server. If the site creation or join fails, you can open the logs with a text editor to get more information about the problem.
Once the site creation or join is complete, the logs are moved to <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\logs and the log level is set to Warning. If the ArcGIS Server account does not have permission to create or write to this folder, the site creation or join will fail. If you don't want to give the ArcGIS Server account permissions to create folders on your entire drive, you can manually create this folder in advance and grant the ArcGIS Server account permissions to write to it.
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