We are running ArcGIS Server 10.5.1 with all current patches installed. I want to add a CloudStore using the Admin console (Home - data - items - cloudStores - edit). What is the JSON format for doing so?
Thank you,
An easy approach is to add it from Manager and monitor the network traffic to see the parameters. If it were to be described anywhere, it'd be under the Register Data Item API help, but I don't see it.
We are in a closed network so I would need to edit the Regions list. Do you know where that file is?
I think the workflow is to download it from here, (of course from a machine that has access):
Then save it in <Server install dir>\framework\etc.
We are using 10.7.1 (located in switzerland) but the Huawei block does never appear.
Is there a reason for that? We want to add a private region because we are using infrastructure on a private cloud from telecom, based an Huawei.