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Change SQL server for enterprise

04-06-2020 05:25 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

We are about to update from Enterprise 10.6.1 to 10.7.1. We are also updating our SQL to 2019. This new SQL database will be on a different server than it currently is. We will copy our SDE db to it. Is it possible during the Enterprise update to point it at the new SQL server? At what step does that occur?

I'm also trying to figure out if we are going to have to re-publish all of our services?


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7 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

I believe that you will have to update all the SQL Server information once the upgrade is completed and the new SQL Server is available.

Be sure not to change the DB name during the restore. After it is restored, make sure to sync the logins (if using DB authentication) to the new SQL Server instance. 

--- George T.
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Thanks George.

We are trying to do this in baby steps as much as possible. So both sql databases will be up at same time, but Enterprise only pointed at one.

Is it possible to change the sde database/server at anytime, or should it be done during an Enterprise update?

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by Anonymous User
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Wait OK, the SQL server info is changed once the upgrade is complete. Thanks

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Esri Notable Contributor

If you do it after (or before) the upgrade it will allow you to validate the upgrade before making more "system wide" changes.

Just make sure that the "old" SQL Server version that is being used is supported on 10.7.1. Otherwise you may have weird behavior after the upgrade and before pointing to the new SQL Server. Thinking more about if you are currently using SQL 2012. 

Here is some doc for updating the MXD's: Updating and fixing data sources with arcpy.mapping—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop 

--- George T.
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Oh, right. 2012 does not support 10.7.1.

Thanks for the links.

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

I'm having trouble finding out if Enterprise 10.6.1 will work with SQL 2019.

I think the best route to go would be to point Enterprise 10.6.1 to the new server with SQL 2019, and then update 10.6.1 to 10.7.1

Otherwise, I'm in a bit of a catch 22.

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Esri Notable Contributor

I would think it "should" work but it has not be "certified" against it as SQL 2019 came out after 10.7.1 did. I think that your thought of point 10.6.1 to SQL 2019 first may be the easiest route.

--- George T.
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