I'm using ArcGIS Enterprise Portal 10.8.1 and after I tried to load a huge(It's about 1gb but have many vertices) feature layer as hosting layer the Data Store is not working properly.
Referenced layers has no problem.
Then I try to open the Rest url it's empty and not able to add to the webmap. I checked SSL connection between Portal, DataStore and Server. Also tried unregister relational Datastore(leave tile Cache as is) >> register>> restore the DataStore w/ the most recent backup. and it's successfully validated in the Server Manager.
Still Hosted layer is not working. The error message on the serve manager is like the attachment.
Any hint would be helpful.
Thank you for instant response.
I removed that large folder from the location that you designated. And I was able to delete the contents from the portal(it failed when I tried before remove the folder)
The large services is removed but still other hosted layers are not loaded. Do I need to restart the portal, service, datastore servces?