AT 10.0 there was a web page included along with ArcGIS server that would allow a user to to reset his account in the SQL Server user store. Does anything like that exist for 10.0? How can I allow my users to change their passwords?
Hi Ismael,
We are finally starting a development effort to build this tool. We are looking at ways to ensure the user is who they say they are before allowing updates to user credentials. The getUsers and Search functions do not return the users passwords (as far as we can tell). Is there a simple admin call that we could use to verify the user who they say they are before making a call to modify the store (before we update a password for example)? Thanks, Andy
At this point, there is not an out of the box page where users can go and change their passwords, although the end point above can be invoked from any scripting language. Typically, you would write a simple page from which users can first provide their existing password (to verify that they are the user claim to be), and then pass their new password into a PHP, Java or ASP.Net etc page that would actually connect to the ArcGIS Server with Admin credentials and make the change on behalf of the user.