How is ESRI sde/ArcGIS Server support with Oracle Spatial db or do we need to go with SDE binary format? Any info on this. ... We are exploring the use of oracle spatial with SDE/ArcMap. Do we have versioning support with Oracle Spatial.
Hi Manoj,
You can implement an enterprise ArcSDE geodatabase on Oracle using the oracle spatial storage type instead of using the ArcSDE binary format. This is fully supported, including support for versioning.
FYI, How do geodatabases use Oracle Spatial?
Hope this helps,
Can we say that its not wise to expect conflict management from web editing as this will be pushing technologies beyond its limit. Or does that supported?
Hi Manoj,
When performing edits in a versioned ArcSDE geodatabase, conflict detection and resolution occur when you are performing a reconcile operation. Reconcile and post operations in an ArcSDE geodatabase are version management workflows and not part of web editing workflows. Therefore, we don't support conflict management in web editing - and this is by design.
FYI, A quick tour of reconciling a version
Typically you would perform your edits via a web client, then later on, you could manage your versions on the server-side. For example, take the version that was being edited with the web client, and reconcile and post it to another version in its lineage. When you perform the reconcile is when you would detect possible conflicts.
Hope this helps,
"A3. Yes, it is possible to edit a geometric network with web editing. However, please be advised that when you are making an edit with a web client, the edit operation performed is a simple feature edit. The "intelligence" behind the geometric network (e.g., when you perform a feature edit and get the rubber band like effect - attached features also move) does not occur in the web client - this is applied AFTER the edit is pushed back into the geodatabase. Therefore, you need to be really careful when enabling geometric network over the web." --Derek Law
Can you clarify what "AFTER the edit is pushed back" means?
Does this mean that I could move a point and I would not see the line move, but in fact it would move?
The first challenge here is how to publish the whole functionalities of “utility network analyst” before going to enjoy also editing with full environment as in the desktop. For example, how to solve for all tracing options in the web?