ArcGIS Server Service doesn't work after resuming from sleep

02-19-2014 04:53 AM
New Contributor II
If you have a laptop and put it into sleep then then after resuming everything works OK except ArcGIS server - you have to restart the service. Very annoying. If SQL Server, DB2 etc. all work then so should ArcGIS.
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4 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor
If you have a laptop and put it into sleep then then after resuming everything works OK except ArcGIS server - you have to restart the service. Very annoying. If SQL Server, DB2 etc. all work then so should ArcGIS.

Is this supposed to be a question or a comment?  Either way, your statement above is not clear and does not provide adequate detail about what problem you are experiencing.  You should describe specific behavior if you're looking for help from others in the forums.  Making statements about how annoying the software is for you will not achieve anything beneficial.  Are you running ArcGIS Server from a laptop or a server?  When you say "everything works OK except ArcGIS server", what does that mean?  What version of Esri software and database software are you running?  Is the service simply not rendering geographic information or are you receiving a specific error?  There are many who are willing to assist, but you should be more clear and diplomatic in your posts.
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New Contributor II
It's very simple - I have ArcGIS Server 10.1 SP1 installed on a laptop (Windows 7 x64 Professional) which I then put into sleep mode over night. The next morning I resume Windows and none of my map services work anymore. I can't even browse to the rest catalog web page. Basically the server is dead. If I restart the Windows ArcGIS Server service then it starts working again. A co-worker of mine has 10.2 installed and he has the same problem. I have SQL Server, DB2 etc. installed on the same machine and their services all function fine after a resume so there is no reason for ArcGIS Server to give up the ghost. Another problem with this is that if you have issue a long life token after this re-start even if the token has not expired according to its issued lifetime it no longer works and we have to re-issue the token. I'm guessing this is because the ArcGIS Server windows service keeps track of the tokens in memory instead of writing a record to disk so that if this process dies all record of issued tokens is lost.
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MVP Regular Contributor
Installing ArcGIS Server on a laptop isn't standard practice; I'll even go so far as to say it's not recommended practice.  AGS is meant to be more of an enterprise-level application where clients access content hosted from the server.  Putting your laptop to sleep at night when AGS is installed doesn't seem like a configuration that would support anyone's business needs.  That being said, the services should have a parameter to check called "Periodically check and repair data connections for idle instances".  Try checking this option and setting the interval to something like 1 or 2 minutes.  I doubt it will make any difference, but it might be worth trying.
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New Contributor II
Installing ArcGIS Server on a laptop isn't standard practice; I'll even go so far as to say it's not recommended practice.  AGS is meant to be more of an enterprise-level application where clients access content hosted from the server.  Putting your laptop to sleep at night when AGS is installed doesn't seem like a configuration that would support anyone's business needs.  That being said, the services should have a parameter to check called "Periodically check and repair data connections for idle instances".  Try checking this option and setting the interval to something like 1 or 2 minutes.  I doubt it will make any difference, but it might be worth trying.

Well obviously I wouldn't use it on a laptop if I was deploying it for business use but I am a developer so having it on my laptop with my development tools is a must - I'm not always in the office with a server available. The fact is this is clearly another bug in the software that should be fixed along with the fact that the tokens expire every time you restart the windows service even if you requested them for a year. If ESRI spent a bit more time fixing problems in their existing software instead of developing yet more buggy features then I'm sure they'd be a lot less hacked off people on here.
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