After a new installation of ArcGIS for Server 10.1 SP1 there is a strange behaviour of the ArcGIS Server Manager. When I am trying to login with a newly created user, the login screen hangs with "Please Wait..." message after login:
This error occurs for every user created via the web interface (user group: GIS Administrator).
But when I login with the user created during the installation ("agsmanager") everything works fine.
Configuration Settings
User Store: ArcGIS Server Built-in
Role Store: ArcGIS Server Built-in
Authentication Tier GIS Server
Authentication Mode: ArcGIS Tokens
Primary Site Administrator Account
Username: agsmanager
Token Settings
Lifespan of Short-lived Tokens: 60 minutes
Lifespan of Long-lived Tokens: 1 day
System: Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Standard x64 SP2