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ArcGIS Server, Export Web Map Task. The service was unable to change the status of the job

03-30-2015 07:02 AM
Frequent Contributor

Initially, our print service was working well without issues. We have 4 different layouts, 8.5x11 Landscape and Portrait, and the same for 11x17. These are customized with our logo, and some additional text.

I recently modified one of the layout files because the scale bar was not displaying the correct units. I changed the coordinate system of the map frame to match the web service (web mercator) hoping to solve this issue.

Instead, new issues arose and now I am getting the error mentioned above, however, the issue doesn't appear to happen with layouts that were not modified. Until recently. I've tried to delete the layouts that are acting up and re-create them based on copies of the others, but this doesn't seem to work either.

Execution of job jde53e9520ce945c0b6db132dc97dae01 failed. The service was unable to change the status of the job

Instance of the service 'DOTPrint.GPServer' crashed. Please see if an error report was generated in 'C:\arcgisserver\logs\HDF4.LAKECO.ORG\errorreports'. To send an error report to Esri, compose an e-mail to and attach the error report file.

Any suggestions on this?


It turns out the issue was I had saved the mxd documents using the default Save As... Dialog in ArcMap 10.3...BUT the server is 10.2. Need to save documents in 10.2 format for the server's print tools.

Resaved the documents and now the print service works

To save a mxd in 10.2 mode, use File > Save A Copy... Not File Save As...

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