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ArcGIS Server 10.3.1, ERROR 001369, when publishing service, with caching option

07-25-2018 01:18 AM
New Contributor

We are using ArcGIS Server 10.3.1 to publish a map as a service. 

Whenever, I try to set the caching option for a arcgis web service, I got the following errors:

Packaging succeeded, but publishing failed
ERROR 001369: Failed to create the service.
Please consult the GP Results Window for enhanced error
description or contact your administrator for the server logs.

GP window:

ERROR 001369: Failed to create the service
Failed to execute (Publish Service Definition)
Failed at Tue ..... (Elapsed Time: 3.31 seconds)
ERROR: The server's publishing job didn't succeed.
Failed to execute (UploadServiceDefinition)

The errors arise regardless of the cache size (being few mb or some gb), scales, Tiling schemes.

I have tried the following:

1) I though that the cause of the error was that Arcgis had problems modifying/rewriting an existing service. So, I created a new service from scratch. However, the errors are the same. If i set the Caching option at the moment of creating the service, i got the message "ERROR 001369". If i try to modify an already running service, i got a window with the message: "Unspecified error".

2) I thought that maybe the spatial reference system was causing the problem, perhaps it is not possible to create a cache of tiles in a SRS other than WGS94 Web Mercator (the one used by default by ArcGIS Online/Bing Maps/Google Maps), so I created a new map with this SRS. The result is the same. 

I have seen other reported problems that are somehow similar, however they are caused by :
1) different versions of Arcgis
2) datasources stored in Samba folders, in our case the data comes from a DB in Oracle.
3) problems linked to Esri ArcGIS server with Workflow Manager.

Please let me know if you have any ideas.


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