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ArcGIS Server 10.2.2 : Spatial reference incorrectly set for image services with WMS capabilities, when Image has Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere as projection.

10-07-2014 08:49 PM
Frequent Contributor

Hi Peoples,

Came across this bug in 10.2.2 the other day.  Posting this so if others come across it they will know the work around.


Spatial reference incorrectly set for image services with WMS capabilities, when Image has Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere as projection.

Problem did not exist in 10.1.

How to Reproduce:

Take any image that has the projection : WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere : WKID: 3857

Copy the image to a folder that has been registered as a Data Store with ArcGIS Server.

Open ArcCatalog, navigate to the image, right click and share as Image Service.

     Publish as Service

     Service Editor > Capabilities > Enable WMS

     Publish the service with default settings

Open the ArcGIS REST endpoint for the image service

Select the WMS link, and check the GetCapabilities for the WMS service.

URL will be something like: http://<your server>:6080/arcgis/services/Raster/TestWMSAux/ImageServer/WMSServer?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS

Note the CRS statement:




NOTE the CRS is set to EPSG:0  This is incorrect.  It should be set to EPSG:3857, which is the projection of the original data.  In ArcGIS 10.1 this is correct. 

By default, WMS services only list two spatial reference systems; EPSG:4326 (or CSR:84 for WMS 1.3.0) and the spatial reference of the map service that WMS is enabled on.

It would appear the CRS is not being picked up for the image, and thus being set to 0.

This has the effect the image cannot be added as a WMS service in projection 3857.

Work Around:

Change the WMS service property: Additional spatial reference systems

Use Manager or ArcCatalog to add the projection to the WMS service properties manually.  This will fix the problem.

Additional reference:



1 Reply
Frequent Contributor

Hi Peoples,

esri support have been able to reproduce, and assigned it a bug number:

BUG-000082469 (Spatial reference for an image service is not reflected in WMS Service Capabilities/WMS Configuration with ArcGIS for Server 10.2.2

Hope this thread assists others that may come across it.



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