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About Geodatabase compress

02-23-2016 03:33 AM
Frequent Contributor

Hello everyone

Geodatabase compression takes a long time, two days ago it was completed in 5 minutes but now 1 and a half hours later even not complete successfuly

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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Hi Bekir,

I think that we are going to need a little more information to help with this issue:

-What version of ArcGIS Desktop is being used for the compress?

-What version is the enterprise geodatabase at?

-What RDBMS is the enterprise geodatabase housed in?

-What is the start and ending count from the SDE_Compress table?

-Is there anyone editing the data during the compress?

-What has changed in the last 2 days? Large data loading, more editors, etc.....


GeodatabaseManaging DataEnterprise GIS

--- George T.
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Frequent Contributor

Hi George, you right I was supposed to give information

ArcGis Desktop 10.2.2 version

SDE_Copress table count 176

SQL enterprise geodatabase

When compression is not connected to anyone.

in two days not much change or not data load or no more edits.

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