I have an mxd with the batch layer. In this layer I join with the tb_lote table.
Then I create the symbology.
I duplicate the batch layer with join and make another symbology.
The next step I do is to publish the service in ArcGIS Server 10.4.
And at this point I already see that the name of some layers are reduced.
The first layer name is complete : Topografia
The second and third layer I already check that comes with the incomplete name.
That's why when I add on the portal I can not see my themed maps. I am using all the linux of Esri 10.4 and the database SQL Express 2012Can someone help me??
I am not pin-pointing the issue but,
In first layer, the full name seems correct %.sde.tb_lote.topografia. But in Layer 2 and 3 the period (.) is replaced by underscore (_).
Any idea why it happened?