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Vectorized map from WMS server ?

01-03-2014 04:16 AM
New Contributor
Hello,I received the following task and I wonder if anyone can help me in finding a solution to finish the work.I need to create buffers around buildings for whole Niedersachsen.I use Arcgis server with topographic maps, which have designated buildings in the region, but to create a buffer must be vectorized every building in Niedersachsen.The area is about 45000km2.There is no shape file with Buildings for Nidersachsen.For about 8 hours i did 1000 polygons and finished 1/500 of the work.Wish to have an easier way ? Can i make gif in Arcgis and then vectorized rasters then open them again with Arcgis? The map is with relatively few colors and I think it will be not difficult.I want to vectorized only buildings! Any ideas? 😞
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