We used to automatically apply the NAD_1927_To_NAD_1983_NADCON transformation in ArcMap. We no longer do it, so you'll have to apply it.
Open data frame properties. On the coordinate systems tab, click the Transformations button. Depending on what the data frame's coordinate system is, highlight the other one in the top box. In the pull-down (that says None), click it and select the above transformation.
The information in this thread appears to help identify the underlying cause of a problem just reported to us today from one of our clients.
Our application is implemented using ArcGIS Engine, so this follow-on question is trying to understand how to use ArcObjects to achieve the same effect of restoring the NAD_1927_To_NAD_1983_NADCON geographic transformation into the ArcGIS Engine MapControl environment (since it has now been removed).
Our client just upgraded from the version of our application that used ArcGIS Engine Runtime 10.1 to the one that is built on ArcGIS Engine Runtime 10.2.2.
The client's data is also in California and consists of multiple layers, some of which are vector data in UTM Zone 10N (NAD 1983) (customized to units of feet) and TIF file raster data that uses California State Plane Zone II (NAD 1927). The client is reporting that the NAD 27 raster layer is displayed offset approximately 300 feet east of where it displayed in the previous software release.
We are already using the technique outlined in the ArcObjects Help for assigning the NAD_1927_To_NAD_1983_NADCON geographic transformation. We are using the approach from the following Help link, as shown in the sample code below.
// This example demonstrates how to use the IGeoTransformationOperationSet methods.
// Set the NAD27 to NAD83 - CONUS GeoTransformation.
public void ChangeCoordinateSystem1()
ISpatialReferenceFactory2 spatialReferenceFactory = new
IGeoTransformationOperationSet geoTransformationOperationSet =
// NAD27 to NAD83 - CONUS
IGeoTransformation geoTransformation =
esriSRGeoTransformation_NAD_1927_TO_NAD_1983_NADCON) as
Unfortunately, this approach does not seem to have any effect, in that the NAD 1927 data is still displayed in ArcGIS Engine 10.2.2 offset approximately 300 feet east of where the same raster files displayed with ArcGIS Engine 10.1.
We would appreciate if anyone has any insights on how to achieve the effects with ArcObjects similar to the series of steps performed in ArcMap outlined in the earlier posting in this thread from Jan 22, 2014 1:31 PM.
Thanks for your help.
This entry is just to identify the resolution to the issue described in the previous entry (to the best we can identify via testing).
Continued investigation led us to try our existing application code running with ArcGIS Engine Runtime 10.3.0 (instead of 10.2.2). ArcGIS 10.3.0 successfully performed the geographic transformation calculations between NAD27 and NAD83 during on-the-fly projection processing.
These results indicate the following:
The resolution is for our client to start using the version of the application based on ArcGIS Engine Runtime 10.3.0.