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Using Related Tables in ArcGIS Dashboards

08-07-2024 11:10 AM
Frequent Contributor

Does anyone know if the functionality exists to use related tables in Enterprise 10.9.1?  I published a map service that includes a polygon layer with a 1:M relationship class to a table of records.  When I bring the service into the classic map viewer (it appears that this is not possible in the new map viewer), you can see the related records in the attribute table.  When I create a dashboard or app in web app builder, the relationship does not seem to be recognized.  Is there any way around this?  Or is this functionality supported in later versions?

2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor


if you add a layer off a map service as a feature layer, then it should work in 11.3 with the new Map Viewer. The new Map Viewer also included the support for related records off map image layers in ArcGIS Online's June/July update. If everything goes as planned, then the enhancement should be included in the next enterprise release planned for Nov/Dec timeframe of this year.

As per Dashboard app, I have reached out to the team. I will provide updates as I hear from them.

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Frequent Contributor

Thank you for your response.  I also tested out publishing a feature class with a relationship class to several other feature classes as a map service.  The relationship between the features is recognized in the map viewer and within ArcGIS Dashboards in 10.9.1.  Is this a known functionality?  Is there any document that explains what is and is not supported regarding related tables and features for AGOL and Enterprise versions?

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