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Using Images for Symbology - Permalinks

07-30-2021 10:17 AM
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Frequent Contributor


We have set up a web map and web mapping application that utilizes image links for the symbology. These images are stored on an internal website. The idea was for the end user to swap out the links (replace but keep the URL exactly the same) and have the symbology automatically update without GIS having to adjust anything. This question may go beyond the scope of GIS but I found out from the end user on this project that Wordpress automatically adds a month and year when uploading a photo to the internal site making it  impossible to keep the link exactly the same. We tried using permalinks but that does not work either. Has anyone had a similar project and found a work around? It's not a huge deal for GIS to go in and update the symbology when the links change, but we would prefer to have it set up once on the GIS side and have the end user make the updates. 


Thank you!

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