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The extent of the world map more than 360 degrees

09-21-2011 04:04 AM
Emerging Contributor
Hi. I have the next question.

I want to make the world maps in the ArcView. My aim is next. I want to have got the extent of my maps more than 360 degrees. That is I want to see Alaska on the left and on the right side of my world map.

What should I do to gain my aim?
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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
At minimum, the data frame's coordinate system would have to be unknown, because ArcMap will 'wrap' or clip data to the equivalent of 360 degrees, or the valid area of use of a projected coordinate system.
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Emerging Contributor
Hi Melita! I have tried to use the unknown coordinate system in a frame. However it didn't bring any desired results. What have I to do at maximum? 🙂
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