The main problem with using a UTM projected output for your project is that you have to cross 2 UTM zones to cover Libya and so you will have a lot of angular distortion. You will also have to choose between Zone 34N and 35N. [ATTACH=CONFIG]12839[/ATTACH]
The attached image shows the low res version of the files you mentioned in WGS-84-UTM Zone 34N projection. I just georeferenced the smaller raster from the NOAA site in WGS-84 using lat-long coordinates and links to the shapefile rather than downloading the 158 Mb Geotiff. If you looked at the whole bathymetric map across the Mediterranean in that same Zone 34N UTM projection it forms a broad curve centered about the UTM zone of choice, which is not really appropriate.
So it is probably better to use something like Africa Albers Equal Area Conic projection for your final map. This is shown in the next image with the same files. It preserves areas better; i.e. is relatively equal in scale N-S and E-W.[ATTACH=CONFIG]12842[/ATTACH]
You can also easily use some of the on-line imagery and boundary data from the "Add_Data_From_the_Resource_Center..." under the File menu, which I included to show the present/previous political boundaries.