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Producing a Choropleth Map Using My Own Data

10-25-2012 11:15 AM
New Contributor
Hello all,

I am student in my final year, and for my dissertation, i am looking at rainfall data since 1900 in the UK...
I have all of this data on an Excel File.

I would now like to create a Cholopleth map with this data, if humanly possible.

As far as i am aware, i need to create an ODBC source then reformat the data, then connect it from Arc Cat.
I have created the ODBC file but reformatting it did not work.

Any ideas on how to create this Cholopleth map?

p.s The data i have is Monthly data from 1900.
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Esri Frequent Contributor
It all depends on what geography your rainfall data were collected in (i.e. zip code, county, some other boundary). You will need to get a shapefile/feature class of the boundaries in the map. Once you have this, you can add the Excel document to the map. Then, you will need to do a table join to get the data from the Excel spreadsheet into the shapefile. You can then symbolize your shapefile based on the data in your Excel spreadsheet.
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