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Problems with symbology

05-05-2011 05:22 AM
New Contributor
I installed ArcGIS 9.3 on a computer for a co-op student that's working in our department, and whenever she tries to add symbols (either symbology for shapefiles or things such as north arrows) the symbols aren't available. For example, instead of north arrows, the symbol is a U with an umlaut over top of it. I've experienced this in PDFs when i've exported them without embedding symbology, but never actually in ArcMap. Anyone have any ideas how to fix this? I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it, but PDFs won't display at all on this computer either.
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Frequent Contributor
I installed ArcGIS 9.3 on a computer for a co-op student that's working in our department, and whenever she tries to add symbols (either symbology for shapefiles or things such as north arrows) the symbols aren't available. For example, instead of north arrows, the symbol is a U with an umlaut over top of it. I've experienced this in PDFs when i've exported them without embedding symbology, but never actually in ArcMap. Anyone have any ideas how to fix this? I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it, but PDFs won't display at all on this computer either.

Sounds like you should reinstall Arc 9.3 since it sounds like the data is simply missing.
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