Hi all,
I have an ArcGIS Pro project with some features symbolised based on a hex color code attribute value. I did this by varying the symbology by attribute, then allowing symbol property connections as per this instruction: https://support.esri.com/en/technical-article/000024233
What I wish to do now is publish my Map as a Feature Service and preserve the hex code colors symbology. When I publish the service however, the hex code colors are lost in the symbology. What is the best way to publish my service whilst preserving the hex color symbology?
In my past experience with symbology and published services, I have learned to wait to customize the layers' symbology in the web map. I believe there is a hex code option when choosing colors.
Thanks @ABishop.
Is there a way to automatically apply the hex code colors based on an attribute within ArcGIS Pro? I have several hundred features, so not really in the business of manually configuring them. The process I have tried in my original post works, but is not preserved when service is published.
E.g. is there a preconfigured hexadecimal style file?
Honestly, I am not sure if that is possible in a web map symbology configuration. But sounds like a great idea! Maybe post it as an idea on the idea page? If it isn't already available, ESRI might implement it!
Found another post which is useful and related to this task:
I note there is a BUG logged in support of this capability:
At this time there is no solution or work around to this issue.