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Preserving Hex Code Color Symbology when publishing web service

10-20-2021 05:41 PM
Labels (3)
Frequent Contributor

Hi all,

I have an ArcGIS Pro project with some features symbolised based on a hex color code attribute value. I did this by varying the symbology by attribute, then allowing symbol property connections as per this instruction:

What I wish to do now is publish my Map as a Feature Service and preserve the hex code colors symbology. When I publish the service however, the hex code colors are lost in the symbology. What is the best way to publish my service whilst preserving the hex color symbology?


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4 Replies
MVP Alum


In my past experience with symbology and published services, I have learned to wait to customize the layers' symbology in the web map.  I believe there is a hex code option when choosing colors.

Amanda Bishop, GISP
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Frequent Contributor

Thanks @ABishop

Is there a way to automatically apply the hex code colors based on an attribute within ArcGIS Pro? I have several hundred features, so not really in the business of manually configuring them. The process I have tried in my original post works, but is not preserved when service is published.

E.g. is there a preconfigured hexadecimal style file?

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MVP Alum


Honestly, I am not sure if that is possible in a web map symbology configuration.  But sounds like a great idea!   Maybe post it as an idea on the idea page?  If it isn't already available, ESRI might implement it!

Amanda Bishop, GISP
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Frequent Contributor

Found another post which is useful and related to this task:

I note there is a BUG logged in support of this capability:

At this time there is no solution or work around to this issue.


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