I have written a script to create a csv list of users on my Portal. Trying to create some scripts to automate some tasks to move users from one portal to another. My script works fine on my test server and generates the list of users as a csv file. However, when I try to use this script on one of my production portals I am getting an error indicating that I am not authorized. This particular server/portal is setup to use CAC authentication and Active Directory accounts. CAC is our Common Access Cards and contains certificates that we use to authenticate to our network. So, my question is, how do I access my portal through Python/PortalPy when it is set to use AD accounts?
portalUrl = "https://portal.url.."
portalAdminUser = "AdminUser"
portalAdminPassword = "AdminPassword"
portal = portalpy.Portal(portalUrl, portalAdminUser, portalAdminPassword)
I can't contribute to a solution. No experience with Portal and pass cards.
But I am curious about one thing: you're using AD, but importing individual users?
So you're not using AD groups for controlling user access?
I'm just curious because we're in the middle of setting up our IWA/Portal security so I'm thinking about the various scenarios that can be used.
I want to get a list of users and content, ownership, lists from the old portal so that I get things migrated correctly. I don't think we are using AD groups for controlling access - not sure why. I inherited this project so I don't yet know the history of how and why things were set up the way they are.