I have installed Portal 10.3.1 along with Server and ArcGis Desktop.
Web adapter has been configured - at least to the best of my current ability.
I can access the Portal page both using port 7443 and port 80 via the Web adapter, I believe.
I can browse maps, and start a log-in, but after submitting the correct user-id and password, the portal keeps displaying the log-in page (without the actual fields for ID/PW). I can still access menu items in portal.
I believe I have added all the required hostnames to the 'secure sites' in IE.
Submitting a wrong password does give an error message, so the portal admin account has been created and can be accessed.
Any ideas on how to proceed ?
Have you checked the portal logs file? These logs are located here: /$HOME DIRECTORY$/arcgis/portal/usr/arcgisportal/logs
Check those files and try to find any errors, warnings related to the logging event.
Second: have you tried using another browser? IE for me is a real pain for testing; try Firefox or Chrome.
After following those steps, let us know your findings.
It appears that I have solved it - re-installing the web adapter, changing the name from arcgis to portal.
The name arcgis might have conflicted with the ArcGis Server installation on the same server.
The whole purpose of this is to enable a license for ArcGis Pro, hope that will work 🙂