Select the North arrow >> Properties >> Size and Position. Under the Anchor Point Graphic, choose the center point, and rotation should behave as you need.
Best Regards,
I am also having a similar problem (10.8) with data driven pages where each page is a different data frame rotation. My north arrow symbol has a center anchor. It stays in the right place, but now it shrinks as it rotates! So every page it gets smaller.
I expect that every element is tracked by a lower left and an upper right. When you rotate this rectangle, it changes the min / max values associated with the element.
I am using Data Driven Pages and it still "wanders" as the data frame rotates from page to page.
I have set the anchor point to the center but it still changes position.
I am also having the same problem (10.3.1) with data driven pages using a strip index where each page is a different data frame rotation. My north arrow symbol has a center anchor, but its position wanders all over the page instead of simply rotating around the center anchor point.