I have a set of dots, the green dots. I want to connect them all to the small blue dot, using the smallest distance. [ATTACH=CONFIG]21779[/ATTACH]
The lines can be anywhere, and there can be as many lines as necessary. Accordingly, I don't have a network file, just dots. It is either a minimum spanning tree problem.
Short of manually hacking it out, I have no idea how to do this.
Hi John, ET GeoWizards can do this, see: http://www.ian-ko.com/ET_GeoWizards/UserGuide/spiderDiagramAttributeLink.htm Need to buy a licence though. Thinking differently, could you not use "XY To Line (Data Management Tools > Features)" using the xy for all the green dots as your "start" and the xy of your blue dot as your "end". Dave