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Layer.fromPortalItem adds hosted feature layer to map but popups are not working

02-25-2022 02:40 AM
Occasional Contributor

Hi All,

I have the following Enterprise setup:

- ArcGIS Server 10.7.1 federated to Portal

- ArcGIS Portal 10.7.1

- a Hosted feature layer created from an uploaded Shapefile, working perfectly on my ArcGIS Portal

I have started from the sample at to test Layer.fromPortalItem.

I now have a test page with a map that displays both the layers from the sample and my hosted feature layer correctly.

The only thing that is not working as expected in my map are the popups: nothing happens when I click on the geometries of the Hosted feature layer, while for the layers from the sample this is working correctly.

Since the PortalItem is a Hosted feature layer, its source is a Feature Service, which is no different from the source that is used in the sample.

Has anyone run into this situation?

Many thanks

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