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Issue on Share REST services

10-06-2017 09:34 PM
Occasional Contributor

Dear All,

We have to operate/ maintain 2 types ArcGIS Server service.
one for to be used on ArcGIS flex application ( old app )
the other in used in ArcGIS Portal corporate

Is possible this two type service being combined, so we only maintain one ArcGIS Server.

Situation right now is while we access flex application login popup comes up,
because the service controlled on portal security..

Suggestions, Advice or Solusions related to this would be great and help

Regards - Tommy

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2 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

If the issue is due to the use of https while retrieving the REST services, you need to make necessary changes in crossdomain.xml to allow http to https transfer.

Using crossdomain.xml—ArcGIS API for Flex | ArcGIS for Developers 

Think Location
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Occasional Contributor

Hi Jayanta Poddar,

Thanks for gives comments and tips.

What I think is, we has two ArcGIS server operates simultaneously,

Is someone has experience or tips, for maintain two server, secured and non-secured one, with synchronized replicated content.


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