We have a DNS alias set up for our Portal. The only place the DNS is not set up is the private portal URL. Since this is the URL Server uses to communicate with Portal, we'd like it to use the DNS as the private portal URL as well.
Is there a way to update the private portal URL? Updating the security-config.json file and restarting the machine hasn't updated the URL. Is there somewhere else we need to do this?
Thanks so much!
The privatePortalURL should only be set to the public DNS in a high-available (failover) style setup. Otherwise the default is to keep it as an internal DNS for communication with the other components of ArcGIS Enterprise.
You may have luck going to https://mycompany-server/<webadaptor>/admin/security/config
In there, you will be able to see "Portal properties" at the far bottom which you will be able to change with update at the far bottom. I would exercise caution as Reese pointed out, it should only be set in certain setups.
Hope that helps!
Thank you so much, it does! I updated the private Portal URL at the URL you provided, but it reverted back to the machine name. I also tried updating the security-config.json directly on the server, but that was also unsuccessful. The URL just reverts back to the machine name in both places.
I'm going to try updating both simultaneously with the ArcGIS Server Service stopped (the security-config.json has a .lock file associated with it, which may be why it won't update) and see if that does it.
Thanks again!
Thanks so much for these responses! Let me provide a bit more context. We are trying to update our private Portal URL because when we navigate to the sharing/rest endpoint via the port (https://<DNS>:7443/arcgis/sharing/rest), the URL reroutes to the machine name (https://<machine name>:7443/arcgis/sharing/rest). We suspected the private Portal URL, since it was the only reference we could find to the machine name. But is there a setting that we've missed? Is the private Portal URL what is used by the sharing/rest endpoint? And if not, how can we set the endpoint for sharing/rest to use the DNS when we are bypassing the web adaptor? Using the web adaptor allows the DNS through, the URL stays https://<DNS>/webadaptor/sharing/rest
Portal will redirect you to the friendly DNS alias every time you try https://<fqdn>:7443/arcgis/home or :7443/arcgis/sharing/rest
You should access this via the Portal web adaptor.
https://<fqdn>:7443/arcgis/portaladmin doesn't redirect you
If looking to update the privatePortalURL for an existing environment that can be done following steps 8 and 9 in this documentation topic. The value that Portal for ArcGIS uses will take precedence over anything set in the federated ArcGIS Server sites' security configurations and be overwritten each time federation is validated.