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Inflow/Outflow Bike & Pedestrian Counts - how to map?

09-19-2013 09:24 AM
Deactivated User
Hi, was hoping to post this in the "Ask a Cartographer", but appears that function is down right now.

I have point locations (street intersections) with AM Bike, AM Walking, PM Bike, PM Walking counts.  I have created a map, mostly using graphics in InDesign...but am wondering if there is a savvy way to make this happen in ArcMap or through an ArcGIS Online app? We have an enterprise agreement. 
The obvious problem with InDesign method I am using, is updating the data (which currently is hand-placed) and the opportunity for error.  Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  I have attached the map that I made through InDesign.  The data is not currently attributed with a "inflow/outflow direction", but could easily be done.
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3 Replies
Deactivated User
I ended up saving the circle and arrow symbol out of InDesign as a gif.  Used the gif as a marker symbol in ArcMap.  (Actually three symbols with varying sizes of center circle based on three ranges of total bike/ped count). 
I then attributed each point with a "ROTATION" field.  This field is used to rotate the symbol, as well as guide a pretty complex set of layer files for labeling the counts in the appropriate area of the green or orange arrow.  Not perfect, but better than hand placing and will easily be updated when the 2013 data is released.  Attached is a screenshot from my draft map.  I only have 22 points, so this is manageable...
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Deactivated User
Nice map!  It looks great.

Out of curiosity, does the data count traffic in both directions AM and both directions PM?  Or only in the direction of interest that matches the arrows?  Depending how technically savvy your audience is, if there is no narrative context then it could appear to your audience that they only counted the people going in one direction in the morning and the other direction in the evening.
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Deactivated User
According to the traffic crew that collected the data, it is only collected in the direction of interest (towards the city center in the AM, away from the city center in the PM).
I will also spiff-up the legend to make all of this more clear.
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