I currently installed ArcGIS Server and authorization is valid work. I can work on Server manager. Then I installed Portal for Arcgis. Ask authorization window then insert authoreization file like a Server installlation. But go to browser localhost:7080/arcgis/home but redirect to http://localhost:7080/arcgis/home/unlicensed.html and not valid authorization message show.
I had inserted as image.
How to resolve and access to portal home page?
can you check your C:\Program Files\ESRI\License10.3\sysgen\keycodes file in notpad: One of the lines should be like this :
(xx is the number of named users)
if the line is not present, check if your authorize dialog lists "portal" when authorisingd and if youhave a valid portal license (not just ArcGIS Server)
if the line is there check the expiration date.
ESRI lately started to give permanent license for portal (in some cases).
We get similar error when we get a line with "none" as expiration time.
We get no error on the same portal when we put a license with real expiration time.
The console of the explorer say that it does not recognize the string "none"
A new bug?
Did you get resolved this issue. i just got same error. any advise?