I think I understand what you're asking about. I have a few techniques that I use to try and get map data to appear a certain way, but there are some caveats.
I often end up using my elements multiple times in the Table of Contents. Chopped up in to little pieces, definition queried to death and every little bit symbolized differently. That's just for starters. After that we delve in to the universe of Cartographic Representations, where creativity runs free...free, like, in a Salvador Dali painting. After a few days, my Representations have no actual, technical relationship with their underlying geometry because I have scaled, moved, changed colors, re-symbolized and otherwise bastardized the appearance of everything.
Then the Boss walks in and asks for the value of the one edge of something that's not even a polygon to be highlighted for the meeting starting in 30 minutes. That's when I just give up and make a line using the Draw Menu.
Happy Holidays!