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Getting daily view counts for portal items

11-16-2023 06:39 AM
Labels (2)
Occasional Contributor III

Is there a way to get historical daily view counts for portal items?  Like if I wanted to know how many times Web Map X was viewed each day in the month of October, how would I go about getting that info? 

We don't have ArcGIS Monitor.  I tried doing this via python but it only gives me the total views the item has currently.  The portal's Status dashboard is only showing content that is changed or created for that date range, not simply viewed. 


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        If you check the number of views each day and then save that value to a file or table you will be able to calcualte the increase in views each day.  I would use a Notebook to do this job.  ArcGIS Notebooks have a built in scheduler to trigger the python script.


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Occasional Contributor

Dear Kevin,

I hope you are doing well,


For this you can develop a simple basic SOI, which just writes the user and the time of the viewing of the WebMap to a file. and then write a simple python script to analyze the file.

If the WebMap is private for your company the SOI will get the exact name of the user who is viewing the WebMap, instead if the WebMap is public, it will return None for the username but you will have the time of the viewing in both cases.


If you need more clarification please let me know.

Best of Luck


Amir Sarrafzadeh Arasi
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