I need to do an analysis of an area somewhere in Madagascar. I do not have extensive data to start the analysis, but I have a map in a pdf format. The map shows a grid that is divided well enough that I can pinpoint every degree of latitude and longitude. I will need to add elements on the map to do my analysis and require precise location. These elements are defined in WGS84.
So here is the problem.
I created a shapefile of points for every lat and long of an area on the map, and imported it in ArcMap 9.2
I saved the pdf file in a TIF format and imported it in ArcMap 9.2 for georeferencing.
When I start to georeference the map with the points, the result is not bad but far from being precise. I tried to georeference each latlong with the points but it is a disaster.
Perhaps the grid on the map is not perfectly divided or I can't stretch the map properly ?
(Perhaps it is the user?)
The map does not tell the projection or coordinate system which doesn't help.
Something I find funny, is that if I use the ruler to calculate the distance between each degree of latitude, I get 59.75 NM where it should be 60 NM. These are the points from the shapefile in WGS84. Does not make sense to me.
By the way, I never installed the service packs for 9.2, and will get ArcGIS 10 soon. Don't know if this will make a difference.
Thanks for any help I can get.