Dear All,
I would like your help with regards to downloading individual surveys to create an audit report.
We use Portal for ArcGIS. We have an app to conduct harvest audits. I have also created a word template for the audit report and use mail merge to populate the template from the downloaded data.
My problem is how to select and download an individual survey rather than all the surveys? Each survey is for a different harvest site. For example, there maybe 20 surveys completed but I want only to download the latest one and create a report for this site using the word template.
How can I do this in Portal for ArcGIS? Thank you very much for your help.
Hi Dionisio,
Are you using the survey123 website to download the data? If so you can select the option under the Export menu on the Data tab to export only the selected records. See screenshot below.
If you are using the Item page and Data tab from within Portal (or AGO) it is not currently possible to export selected records only.
Thanks, Philip.
Are there any scripts you know of that can do this?
Hi Dionisio,
No, I am not aware of any scripts nor have used any in the past, however I am sure there are other Portal users out there that have. This may be a better question to post to one of the Portal or AGO forums on GeoNet, as it is a general feature layer export question, not specific to Survey123 app/website. Good luck.
Thanks, Phil. I will do that so other Portal users who have encountered this issue before can help me.